Google Home Nest Commands
/Google Home Nest Commands: The complete guide to all nest smart home devices that work with google home.
Control Your Smart Home With Voice: Google Home Nest Commands
Voice assistants like Google Home & Amazon Alexa are taking the world by storm. Both Google Home & Amazon Alexa with with nest but Google Home does have a few extra feature integrations with nest commands than Amazon Alexa, because Google owns nest. Below we provide you the complete list of Google Home Nest Commands, the nest devices that are compatible with Google Home and our favorite Google Home devices.
What Nest Devices Can You Control With Google Home Nest Commands?
You can control most of the nest lineup of smart devices with Google Home nest commands. The nest smart thermostats, nest smart cameras, nest x yale lock, the nest doorbell, and the nest secure security system can all be controlled with Google Home Nest Commands.
What Nest Devices Compatible With Google Home
Nest Thermostat Gen E - Compatible with all Google Home Devices. The nest thermostat e allows you to control your thermostat via wifi and voice with a compatible google home or amazon alexa device. The nest gen e is a less expensive version of the nest thermostat that is mostly plastic vs polished stainless steel and glass like the more expensive nest generation 3 thermostat.
Nest Thermostat Generation 3 - Compatible with all Google Home Devices. The nest smart learning thermostat allows you to control your thermostat via wifi and voice with a compatible google home or amazon alexa device. The nest thermostat generation 3 is the top of the line nest thermostat with a full color display and packed with smart features to help you save energy, with luxury and comfort in mind.
Nest Thermostat Generation 2 - Compatible with all Google Home Devices. The nest gen 2 was an earlier version of the higher end nest thermostat. It still works with both Alexa and Google Home Nest Commands.
Nest Cam Indoor - Compatible with Google Home Devices with a screen. Like the Google Home Hub. The nest cam indoor has been around for a long time and allows you to stream indoor video on your phone. It provides easy set up and reliable remote viewing.
Nest Cam Outdoor - Compatible with Google Home Devices with a screen. Like the Google Home Hub. The nest cam outdoor is a more rugged version of the nest camera designed to be placed outdoors. The nest cam outdoor is designed to be plugged into an outdoor outlet and secured to the side of your house to be used as security camera.
Nest Cam IQ Indoor - Compatible with Google Home Devices with a screen. Like the Google Home Hub. The nest cam IQ indoor has upgraded sensors and is designed to be used indoors. It also has smart features like facial recognition that can be enabled on the camera.
Nest Cam IQ Outdoors - Compatible with Google Home Devices with a screen. Like the Google Home Hub. The nest cam IQ is the top of the line nest camera. It offers the highest resolution in the lineup, and is made to weather the elements. The nest cam IQ outdoors features HD resolution with a 4K sensor and smart facial recognition technology.
Nest Hello Smart Doorbell - Compatible with Google Home Devices with a screen. Like the Google Home Hub, and other Google Home Devices like the Google Home Mini can be used as a remote chime for the Nest Hello Doorbell.
Nest x Yale Lock - Compatible with all Google Home Devices. The nest x yale lock allows you to remotely control your door through your phone to lock or unlock your door and also offers a touch screen display to enter your home using the codes you program on your phone.
Nest Secure Security System - Compatible with all Google Home Devices. The nest secure system offers smart home security and works within the nest app with all of your other nest devices. The nest security system consists of a base station that connects to your wifi network, and then motion and window and door sensors you place throughout your house to detect motion or if someone is trying to break in a window or door.
Each compatible nest device has a different set of google home nest voice commands that can be used with the your compatible Google Home device for voice control. If you don’t have a Google Home device you can still use google home commands on your phone with the google assistant and no additional google home device is required.
Google Home Nest Thermostat Commands
You can control all of the current versions of the nest thermostat and the generation 2 nest thermostat with your google home nest commands. With your google home voice commands you can change the nest thermostat temperature, thermostat mode and ask what temperature the nest thermostat is currently set at.
“Ok Google, set thermostat to 72 degrees” - Set’s the nest thermostat to the desired temperature.
“Ok Google, set thermostat to heating mode” - Set’s the nest thermostat to heat mode.
“Ok Google, set thermostat to cooling mode” - Set’s the nest thermostat to cooling mode.
“Ok Google, set thermostat to eco mode” - Set’s the nest thermostat to eco mode.
“Ok Google, set thermostat to away” - Set’s the nest thermostat to away mode.
“Ok Google, set thermostat to home” - Set’s the nest thermostat to home Mode.
“Ok Google, what is the thermostat temperature?” - Google Home will respond with the current temperature of the nest thermostat.
If you have more than one thermostat you will need to call your thermostat by the name you set for it in the nest app. You can also use the name you set for the nest thermostat in the app instead of saying “thermostat” if you prefer.
So to set the temperature of a thermostat named living room you would say:
“Ok Google, set living room to 72 degrees”
Alternate google home nest thermostat commands should be spoken in the form below.
“Ok Google, set [NAME OF THERMOSTAT] to heating mode”
The nest thermostat gen e and nest thermostat generation 3 are also both compatible with the nest temperature sensors that allow you to remotely monitor and control the temperature in other rooms further away from your nest smart thermostat.
Google Home Nest Lock Commands
The nest lock has a more limited set of google home commands than the nest thermostat but you can still find the nest commands useful. I find my most used nest lock command is to check to see if my front door is locked before I go to bed.
“Ok Google,lock the front door.” -This will lock your nest x yale smart lock and Google Home will respond with either:
“The front door is already locked” or “You got it, locking the front door…..the front door has been locked”
“Ok, Google is my front door locked?” - Google will then check if your door is locked and respond with “The Front Door is Locked” or “The Front Door is unlocked”
Due to security reasons you cannot unlock your nest x yale lock with your google home commands, because someone could try yelling through a window to unlock your front door.
Google Home Nest Security System Commands
You can control your nest secure security system with google home nest commands. Just like the nest x yale lock you cannot disarm your nest security system with google home nest commands because someone could try yelling through a window to disarm your security system. However you can use google home nest commands to arm your nest secure security system, or check the status of your security system.
“Ok Google, set alarm to away and guarding” - This will set the nest secure alarm to the highest security setting for the nest alarm.
“Ok Google, set alarm to home and guarding” - This will set the nest secure alarm to guard your home while you are still inside the home, turning off the motion detection system, but all door, and window contact sensors are still active.
“Ok Google is my alarm armed?” - This will tell you if your nest secure alarm is currently armed.
Google Home Devices Compatible With Nest Commands
The full lineup of Google Home devices are compatible with google home nest commands. However the Google Home Hub and Lenovo Smart display are the only google home devices that will work with the nest cameras and nest doorbell.
Google Home Mini - Google’s smallest and best value smart speaker, about the size of a hockey puck and fits anywhere.
Google Home - Google’s mid range smart speaker. It has a larger built in speaker and better sound quality than the Google Home mini with the same set of smart speaker features.
Google Home Max - This is Google’s largest smart speaker and is meant to be used as a primary sound system for a room. It is a direct competitor to Sonos speakers but doesn’t have all of the same streaming music options or whole house integration capability like con
Google Home Hub - This is Google’s answer to the Amazon Echo Show. The Google Home Hub is has a 7” touch screen and has all of the same features as the other Google Home devices but let’s you view live streaming video from your nest cameras or doorbells. You can also stream youtube content and other internet videos on the Google Home Hub. Unlike the Amazon Echo Show the Google Home Hub does not have a video camera for video chat.
Lenovo Smart Display - This device was built in collaboration with Google and was actually launched before the Google Home Hub was on the market. The Lenovo Smart Display has a larger 10” touch screen vs the 7” Google Home Hub screen. The Google Home Hub and Lenovo Smart display sport similar features with the only major difference being the form factor and design.
Google Home Hub Nest Commands
All of the nest devices we have covered so far will work with any google home device for google home nest commands. The google home mini, google home and google home max don’t have screen they are just smart speakers. As of December 2018 the Google Home Hub and Lenovo Smart Display with Google Home are the only two compatible Google Home smart speaker displays that can stream live nest video from nest cameras and the nest doorbell. The Echo Show can also stream live nest video feeds but it is not part of the google home ecosystem.
Google Home Nest Commands : View your live stream from your nest cam or nest cam outdoors on your google home hub.
Google Home Nest Camera Commands
Works with Nest Cam & Nest Cam Outdoor
"Ok Google, show me my backyard camera.” - This will live stream the nest video feed and sound to your google home hub.
“Ok Google, show me [nest camera name]” - This will live stream the the nest camera feed to your Google Home Hub.
Google Home Nest IQ Commands
Works with Nest IQ Indoor & Nest IQ Outdoors
"Ok Google, show me my backyard camera.” - This will live stream the nest video feed and sound to your google home hub.
“Ok Google, show me [nest camera name]” - This will live stream the the nest camera feed to your Google Home Hub.
Google Home Nest Hello Doorbell Commands
Works with nest hello smart doorbell
"Ok Google, show me my front door.” - This will live stream the nest video feed and sound to your google home hub.
“Ok Google, show me [nest hello doorbell name]” - This will live stream the the nest camera feed to your Google Home Hub.
The nest doorbell can also be set up with the google home or google home mini to “Chime” like a doorbell and announce “Someone is as the front door”. To do this you will need to set up the Google Home device you want to connect, then connect the nest service inside the google home app. We have another blog post detailing how you connect your nest hello doorbell to the google home mini here.
Do the nest temperature sensors work with Google Home Nest Commands?
No, as of November 2018 the nest temperature sensors don’t work with Google Home Nest Commands? However the nest temperature sensors do work to display remote temperature on the nest app with both the nest thermostat e and nest thermostat.
What Nest Products Don’t Work With Google Home Nest Commands
The nest protect smoke detectors don’t work with Google Home Nest Commands.
Google Home Commands For Light Switches
With google home nest commands you can control your heating and cooling, your front door, your security system and your cameras.
If you want to control your lighting with google home voice commands you can install compatible smart light switches like the smart the dimmer below and they will respond to Google Home Commands. Just install the light switch, set it up in the smart life app and connect the smart life app to Google Home. You can then control your lighting with Google Home Commands by saying:
“Ok Google turn off lights.”
“Ok Google turn on lights.”
“Ok Google set lights to 50%”
“Ok Google set dim lights to 10%”
“Ok Google set master bedroom lights to 90%”
Google Home Commands Smart Plugs
If you have plug in lamps or fans you can also control them with google voice commands. Plug in smart plugs are one of the most popular smart devices on the market because of their ease of installation and versatility.
To control your plug in lamps with your voice just plug in the smart switch set it up in the smart life app and connect the smart life app to Google Home. You can then control your lighting with Google Home Commands by saying:
“Ok Google turn off lights.”
“Ok Google turn on lights.”
“Ok Google set lights to 50%”
“Ok Google set dim lights to 10%”
“Ok Google set master bedroom lights to 90%”